Explore Yourself


"If she is the north...I am the south...If I am the noise...She is my silence...If I am the night...She ushers my sun...I am her essence...She is my Aura"

—Dom Kay

Dom Kay speaks with Susan Galvan, host of the podcast Just. Press. Foreplay. about the Sacred Body Journey.

“I was not ready for the depth of knowledge that Dom Kay has when it comes to honoring your Sacred Self, tuning into sensuality when working in BDSM , and just the vulnerability created when in the space Dom Kay cultivates.

There is a raw vulnerability when it comes to BDSM but this....this is magic in my eyes. Dom Kay is divine light, living and breathing what it means to have the heart of an influential leader. We talk Sacred Yoni, transcending sex, Manifesting through climax, but most importantly accepting all layers that create YOU and doing so through safe spaces that open and heal your souls desires! This episode is a journey that left me on a nice little mind high.”—Susan Galvan

What exactly is “Sacred Body Journey?”

The Sacred Body Journey” focuses on our individual relationships with the body as a tool to facilitate healing and self-actualization that allows us to access our truest desires and divine birthrights. Of these rights, is our relationship with our sexual selves.

Sacred Sex

Sex is a core function of humanity. It plays a huge role in the physical health and vitality of the body and acts as the ultimate creative force. Sex is also an immense, universal energy that can merge your spirit (your divine essence) with your body. Sex is involution (spirit descending) and evolution (physical ascending) uniting at the heart in an outburst of authentic love. 

So, when is sex sacred? 

  • When our bodies are healthy…

  • When our hearts are clear…

  • When we can give/accept pleasure freely/openly with sincerity…

  • When we bring intimate touch and awareness to the divine…

We can reclaim our sex and sexuality as sacred. What makes something sacred is our relationship to it. It is not the thing itself that is sacred or holy.  Rather it is how we treat that thing, and how we relate to that thing that makes it sacred or not. It is also helpful to understand the following: what is the purpose of this thing we call and treat as sacred? 

How do we use this sacred thing to access something beyond the ordinary, beyond (and within) ourselves? The Sacred Body Journey invites you to explore a learning that helps us all answer these questions for ourselves and truly experience sacred sex (body, mind, and soul). Our work is helping to reshape and redefine our understanding of sex. The focus is on the distinction between sex as an act and sex as an energy. Sexual, as an energy is the most powerful generative force available to us. When harnessed, we see (and have seen) the fruits of its manifestation in noun (person, place, or thing) that has ever been created. Come explore.


Join us under the protection of the full moon as we reclaim our sensual pleasures. Sacred BDSM Presents “Wrapped”

  • Date : 26 January 2024

  • Time: 17:00 - 21:00

  • R2500 per ticket (Limited)